New year resolution 2021

Mengqi Guo
1 min readMar 31, 2021

Almost April so this is pretty late as resolution, but late is better than never, or so I think.


  1. Don’t aim for perfect. I am not perfect. I don’t want to be perfect. I don’t have to be perfect.
  2. Accept myself, and be patient with myself.
  3. Believe whatever I do right now is in preparation for a greater goal. Work will eventually pay off (though might not be in the direction I intended).
  4. Work on micro-affirmations.
  5. Help others. Learn while helping.
  6. I want to enjoy life and make the most out of it.
  7. Things won’t go smoothly. Prepare to spend time and effort and fail. If they do go smoothly, that’s the miracle.
  8. Stop overthinking about failures and move on.
  9. Live a life that I want.
  10. Solve problems, no procrastination, accept the outcome. Don’t overthink.
  11. Don’t ask for permission.
  12. Be my own leader.
  13. Find my support: people who will point out my mistakes and support me to correct course.
  14. Be able to move on (from failure).
  15. Don't get comfortable.

11–14 are from a recent fireside chat that listened to, and the speaker is a woman VP. I can relate so much to these mindsets.

15 is from a director. He is embarking on a new journey now.


  1. Fitness. Lose a bit more weight. (Won’t say how much.)
  2. Career. What do I want to do next in life?

